all about.... lets talk about stingy...
means..i'm not really generous to men or boy..
but only a little bit i became like that for boy...
for girl..i not like that..hehehe..
if not trust about it...
u can ask my bff :)
i dont no why i became like that..huhu
but on the day i hangout with my hbby..
i not stingy with him..i dont no why...
mybe coz i love him so much kot.. :p

last night..i fight witm him again.. :(
only coz a small thing...small thing...hmmm
who can stand if he find fault with blame on me...
who can hold it...
on the begining i can hold it...
then became longer he more accuse me..

why he not ask me first coz what all of this happen..
i'm touching with him words..
for first i know him...
i not to stubborn..
i knew he always say me like that...
but did he know why i became like that.?
he dont..
coz he never ask me about it...
ok..let me say it right now...
i became like this because him mistake...
because he lie to me...
i hate so much people lie..
coz i really trust him..
but he broke it.. :(

then when he knew i really angry with him...
he try to persuade me... :)
he so cute when do like that... <3
he sad about gula2 kapas....
i cant hold it..huhu..
because i like gula2 kapas so much..
first dye ckp psl gle2 kapas wt x tawu je...
wt jual mahal la knon...
tp lame2 dh ok blek ngn dye..
tp x smpai nk mntk maaf kt dye sbb marah dye...
sbb aq trtdo..ngntok sgt..

muhd lutfi..thankz because be my love..
and u always patient with me...
i really appreciate what u have done to me...
u most important person in my life after my family.. :)
yeahh...i really love you..
how can i make dont no with you...
you're my love..
and always be like that...
until my last breath.. <3

date with my hbby

24/5/ ngn hbby aq taw.. <3
ske sgt2  ble dpt jumpe dye...
mklum la..dh brbulan x jmpe...
aq syg gler lah kt dye...
smlm aq kuar ngn dye..
aq g naek train sorg2 taw..prgi blek sorg2..huhu...
tp xpe..demi org trsyg aq snggup redah....
cewahhh...poyo gler ayt aq..hihi :p
ble aq nk blek..tawu plak dye rsau...
2 la ajk trun bngi xnk...kte mlaz r ap la...
tp xpe dh slmy pn smpai...
siap update blog dh nie... :)
haizzzz..first jumpe dh skit kn atie..
geram gler aq..
nsib dye pndai pjuk..
nk tawu x aq jnji ngn dye nk jumpe pkul bpe...
jnji nk gerak pkul 11...
aleh..aleh...pkul 2 lbeyh aq smpai..hihi...
dye smpai dlu dri aq..
tp xlme mne la kn dye tggu aq...
dye smpai stgh jam awl dri aq...huhu.. bkn slalu dye tggu aq cm hbby.. :)
kte org g ts je..x g mne pn..
sbb dye xde dwet nk g tmpat laen.huhu
xpe lah g ts..jln2..tgk wyg..
ilng la rndu aq kejup :)
sdar x sdar..hbungn aq ngn dye...
dh setahun lbeyh rpe nye..huhu..
kte org xde trikh anniversary taw...
so korng jgn la tnye,, :)
yg aq tawu kteorg jd cmnie mse bln 1 kot..
trlpe sudah..huhu...
aq ngn dye x nk declare pape pn..
mlaz..tkot nty asyk cple ptus je..huhu
kteorg xnk cm 2.. :)
hope our relationship will last forever... <3

story board, stdy board dh mmg...mmg..mmgggggg...dh lme gle x updte blog..
sjk parents aq ptong line unifi...
nie sume gara adk aq pnye psl...yg pemalaz nk stdy..grrr...
skit tol atie aq ngn bdk2 nie..haishh..
ok la..pape je lah psl 2..huhu...
firstly aq nk cte psl story board yg ad kt tgkt ats umah sewa aq 2...
sume 2 kje bdk2 umh aq la...
msing2 otk dh sewel kn..hahhaha

sorry la ye..gmbr x terang...sbb time snap pic nie...
rumah ngh xde karen..huhu...
mklum la..dh brbulan x byr bil elktrik..hihi :p
ok brbalek pd story board nie...
kt story board nie..dorg men cmnt ngn bdk2 dlm umh nie jugk...
dh xde kje 2 r jd ye..
nie bru skit..
ad bnyk x smpt nk snap..huhu...
hahaha..btw..bdk2 umah aq nie...
mmg sume nonsense gle pig r...

ok..yg story board yg aq bru snap...cerah la ckit kn dri yg ats 2...
perasaan x ianya dh brtmbah..hihi...
klau korg dpt bce..mmg mte korg trbaek lah.. :)
kte dorg..dorg nk bia kn je note2..
bia owner rumah 2 bce smpai esk pgi..hihi..
jht kn kte org...
syg korng sgt2 lah.. <3 psl stdy board aq plak.... :D

kt board ske wt note psl asgmnt...
psl date pape je la...
psl ktuk hbby aq pn ad kt c2..hahhaha
tp klau dye bce nie..
bkn nye dye nmpk aq ktuk dye pn... :p
sorry hbby... <3